Goat of Mendes

Baphomet as a Symbol of Self-Deification

By Thomas LeRoy, Founder of The Sect of the Horned God


Throughout the history of the arcane, Baphomet has held an unprecedented position. As a depiction of the Absolute in symbolic form, it can be found everywhere in the occult world, in both right and left-hand path practices. Sometimes called the “Goat Idol of the Knights Templar”, or the deity of the “Sorcerers’ Sabbat”, it’s been stated that because it is depicted as a paradoxical being, both human and animal, male and female, good and evil, etc., it represents the major harmonious dichotomies of the cosmos.
There are several theories concerning the origins of the name “Baphomet”. The most common explanation claims that it is an Old French corruption of the name of Mohammed (which was Latin-ized to “Mahomet”) – the Prophet of Islam. During the Crusades, the Knights Templar ventured throughout the Middle-East where they became acquainted with Arab mysticism. This contact with Eastern civilizations allowed them to bring back to Europe the basics of what would become Western occultism, including Gnosticism, alchemy, Kabbalah and Hermetism. The Templars’ affinity with the Muslims led the Church to accuse them of the worship of an idol named Baphomet, thus leading to a plausible link between Baphomet and Mahomet.

The most famous likeness of Baphomet is found in Eliphas Levi’s “Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie“. Levi is the man behind the image of Baphomet as the “Sabbatic Goat of Mendes”. This modern depiction of it appears to take its roots from several ancient sources, but primarily from pagan gods. Baphomet bears resemblances to gods all over the globe, including Egypt, Northern Europe and India. In fact, the mythologies of a great number of ancient civilizations include some kind of horned deity. In Jungian theory, Baphomet is a continuation of the horned-god archetype, as the concept of a deity bearing horns has found to be universally present in individual psyches. The Horned God is one of the oldest fertility gods in human history, taking various incarnations such as Pan, Cernunnos, Dionysus, etc. As stated previously, Baphomet is also a composite creation symbolic of alchemical realization through the union of opposite forces, a Chimera hermaphrodite with bi-sexual features.
Eliphas Levi explains the symbolism of his illustration as follows:

“The goat on the frontispiece carries the sign of the pentagram on the forehead, with one point at the top, a symbol of light, his two hands forming the sign of occultism, the one pointing up to the white moon of Chesed, the other pointing down to the black one of Geburah. This sign expresses the perfect harmony of mercy with justice. His one arm is female, the other male like the ones of the androgyne of Khunrath, the attributes of which we had to unite with those of our goat because he is one and the same symbol. The flame of intelligence shining between his horns is the magic light of the universal balance, the image of the soul elevated above matter, as the flame, whilst being tied to matter, shines above it. The beast’s head expresses the horror of the sinner, whose materially acting, solely responsible part has to bear the punishment exclusively; because the soul is insensitive according to its nature and can only suffer when it materializes. The rod standing instead of genitals symbolizes eternal life, the body covered with scales the water, the semi-circle above it the atmosphere, the feathers following above the volatile. Humanity is represented by the two breasts and the androgyne arms of this sphinx of the occult sciences. (211-212)”


Baphomet has become the ultimate “scapegoat”, the face of witchcraft and black magic; a dark, foreboding figure, one synonymous with that Judeo/Christian miscreant called “Satan”. But, in truth, Baphomet can represent the accomplishment of reaching the “Higher Self”. Because of this it has been adopted by some practitioners of the left-hand path as a symbol of self-deification, or becoming one’s own god. Self-deification, though, does not come about through a simple proclamation. It is a slow process, taking years of study upon the heterodox path, going your own way, breaking away from the prevailing cultural norms. But with a revaluation of all values, and allowing the ego to better understand the subconscious, a supreme knowledge of the self can come about, thus reaching a state of perfect equilibrium. It is then that the occult initiate can point the right hand towards the heavens and the left towards the earth and pronounce that hermetic axiom which has reverberated over the millennia: “As Above, So Below”.

Legion in the mind, and awakening your Demonic attributes…


By Born Satanist

I’ve been pondering some works, relative to a self help of sorts, in which I want to couple ‘spiritual/demonaltry’ concepts with the true form of Satanic symbolism (dominions of hell, the Prince of the Air and the attributes he oversees. Lucifer as the Crown, Satan as the Root). I believe that when grounded, and observed for what they are, which is a part of us all in our fleshy forms. These symbols and focus can empower the Satanist in awakening these attributes not yet dominant or tapped.Nested deep in the mind and thus body, are the attributes that many grimoires of the past personified. Is there merit to invoking these powerful relics. Does one have anything to gain from blowing the dust from these dark images. I say hell yes. What I suggest (to the dismay of many ‘theists’) is making these demons your own, claiming your own sentience and understanding that you give these beasts life. Often called ‘possession’, an internal Legion.
There’s great power in symbolic interpretation, and personifying useful attributes as we walk the adversarial path. We are ‘Satan‘ists are we not?
For the sake of numerous arguments from the theists and demonalterors that may view this demon from other perspectives, I will clarify the attributes I have chosen to take for myself. The fact that I have chosen Asmodeus from the many names given to said symbolic human traits, should provide a hint for those in the know.
The first son by union of Lilith and Samael (Tubal-Cain not observed), implies the product of furious lust. While ‘lust’ and ‘fury’ work well together in balance and compliment, many choose to relate it to the physical being, and carnal practices of the unbound Satanist. This attribute is transcendental in it’s concept.  Awakening a furious lust within when properly observed, brings the Satanist to not only achieve their goals, but hunger for fruition relative to intent and carrying out planning and goals.
I will not include invocations, as these are yours to own, I suggest your own book of shadows.
Asmodeus, the concept of the desire to live well and succeed. This is the piece of your Will that refuses to lay down, to want, and to obsess. ‘The over seer of the gambling houses of hell’, isn’t hard to see that this is what makes us willing to risk, as we lust for that which we desire… When observing Asmodeus, and absorbing these attributes, the symbol belongs relative to focus on splenic chakra in meditation. Honoring the creative, with furious lust as the inspiration…
**This is something I’ve been working on for a little while, and when published in it’s entirety, will address every chakra point, to achieve an internal kingdom of hell, with the individual as the ‘godhead’. I am looking for scrutiny here, and this is just a small taste, but what I’m asking I suppose is if it seems to fit. I trust there are members knowledgeable of these subjects, and ask that you remain observant that I will be nothing more than completely abstract and non-traditional.
This is rough draft and needs refining, but when done I think it may be a wonderful map. I also believe it will serve well to appeal to theists and symbolic Satanists alike. Should they so choose to toy with the Occult for personal gain and inspiration.
Ask anything as well, as I’m sure this will appear vague to many. It is an excerpt. The formula is conceptually similar to Qlippoth or an internal Sephiroth with fewer points and the awakening (embrace or defeat) of whichever symbol the individual chooses that suits their development best. I am simply including the symbols I chose, why and where they fit best.
I also plan to incorporate some portions of tantra when dealing with Satan / Root Chakra and how it applies to real life concepts (climactic release, situational penetration and laying of seeds), all designed to push the one who uses it.



Also, a natural ascension/descension (balanced respective to the intent when practiced) of  7 will not go in that numerical progression, leaving the user to jump from any point, to any point, so long as it strengthens the bond between Lucifer the thinker, and Satan the doer.
I often have issues laying points out in ordered fashion, and this work will feel like chaos, and that is also an intention, while bringing it to personal order. The essence of harnessing abyssmal mechanics…
Any feedback is appreciated. I will be changing the color and symbol of each chakra point when designing my own model (in terms of visual aid). Also, if I may seem to be close to anything you may have read in the past, understand that I have made it a point not to explore these realms by reading but by doing (outside of researching archetypal attributes and symbolic significance), so any resemblance is certainly coincidental to anything others may be doing. Personally, I likely haven’t seen it.


Sigil Magic…

By Born Satanist

The use of personal Sigils is something that has been of great interest to me for some time. I’ve experimented with them on countless occasion, and have found a percentage of success that surpasses coincidental variability…around 85%. This of course isn’t a ‘set it and forget it’ concept though, rest assured. Not in my opinion. It’s an empowerment, but not an enabler or crutch in which to throw caution to the wind in favour of ‘faith’.
It must invariably always be the true Will of the individual when creating a Sigil. If it is a matter of question, or, let’s face it, outright self-deceit…It’s a guaranteed fail. In addition, once there’s an expression of intent in matters of empowering desire,seizing tangible reward, or destroying one’s enemies…it is up to the individual to exercise every, and any, mental / physical faculty within them (with or without magic) to work for what they want.
When true intent is inserted into the personal value of the created Sigil, I find that the symbolic nature, the image itself, can pierce into the subconscious…especially if it’s one you’re proud of lol. With focus assisted in part with symbolic gesture, and surely genuine desire, the outcome initially envisioned often reaches it’s intended climax.
Sigils are all around us. We’re bombarded by them on a daily basis. Their creators may not have designed in mind of chaos magic theory, but the power of symbolism and exposure, reigns dominantly over the world of subtle suggestion.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigil_%28magic%29For some, the process to create your own Sigil is old news…for others it is new.The first thing that’s done, is the desire one has is printed on paper. Next, each letter that appears more than once is crossed out (3 L’s, use only one). Finally, each vowel is also removed until there is a nonsensical strand of consonants.

Here’s an example…

Mine Will Is Wisdom

Mine Wl s dom

Mn Wl s dm

Now you arrange the characters into a symbol, creation, drawing, whatever may hold significance to you. The more artistic and aesthetically pleasing it is, the more powerful it becomes in being recognizable (memorable) to the viewer. These work quite well in announcing intent, symbolizing accomplishment, and placing a ‘seal’ to your name (which is what ‘Sigil’ means).

Here’s a [very] quick example I created using the name Born Satanist…

At this point I’ve seen many opinions vary. And have heard of successful results regardless, simply because the person believed in it. Some say it must be ‘charged’ , others, that it is folded..put away..and forgotten..Personally, I will keep the original, use copies if needed and then use them in ritual, if part of that intention. Some go to the flame, others are put away… I’ve used binding runes, photographs and written word (all symbolic), all in conjunction (when relative) as well. This is the essence of the personal nature of the Sigil, to use visual aides and create a sort of Psychological catalyst…I’m not entirely through this 70 page article, but what I’ve read so far is certainly informative, should you choose to study this further.


Feel free to share experiences, successes or failures, and of course, opinion.

To learn more about Chaos Magic as a whole, I’d recommend looking up Peter Carroll.

Liber Null ~ Peter Caroll

Zach Black and Sect of the Horned God

The Sect of the Horned God, a legal entity, was founded in 2011 by Thomas LeRoy and remains one of the fastest growing Atheistic Left-Hand Path organizations not only in the cyber-world, but in ‘real life’. The Sect remains connected with members and non-members through on-line venues and yearly festivals that have attracted thousands of people. Membership is exploding worldwide. With this success, however, there are those who chose to ride on the coat-tails of the Sect, rather than building their own vision: impersonators, scam artists, etc. We have all met them, and the Sect of the Horned God, like many before us, has had to deal with this type of malicious and foolish charlatan. I guess it comes with the package. There is only one Sect of the Horned God. Any others claiming to be and not sanctioned by Thomas LeRoy and Mistress Babylon Consort are simply not the real thing.
We are not theist and we are not going away.

The Sect of the Horned God would like to thank Zach Black, of the Satanic International Network for making this video.

Zach, Next time you’re in our home, we’ll make you breakfast again, anytime!

– Mistress-Babylon Consort, January 2013

Book Review: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind ~ Julian Jaynes

split brain!

By Born Satanist

An absolutely fascinating book I picked up at a thrift store for 2 bucks! I’ve been getting into it just recently, but I am intrigued by ‘Bicameralism’ which is defined (from wiki) as…

“Bicameralism (the philosophy of “two-chamberedness”) is a hypothesis in psychology that argues that the human brain once assumed a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be “speaking”, and a second part which listens and obeys—a bicameral mind. The term was coined by psychologist Julian Jaynes, who presented the idea in his 1976 book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, wherein he made the case that a bicameral mentality was the normal and ubiquitous state of the human mind only as recently as 3000 years ago.”

I’ve uploaded a .pdf version of it to the library on my site, and I definitely recommend this read… Even for just those with simply a passing interest!


Satanism and Communism


By Born Satanist

I’ve noticed a rise in interest in mixing Communism with Satanism. It must be said that the two will NEVER congeal. When we compare Communism and Capitalism in Satanic context, it’s not hard to see where Satanism would truly flourish to it’s greatest potential.

With Communism, there’s always a core foundation that is built upon a sort of Marxist utopia. A leveling of classes and promises of betterment and equality for the proletariat.

I thought communism had always had a form of monarchy and birth rites anyway. As in any society, fundamentalism and totalitarian view finds ease on the coat tails of honorable intention. History has shown time and time again where it leads.

From the view of a Satanist, there are those that have power, and those that give it. Regardless of whether there were a common societal philosophy such as Satanism, absolute power would eventually corrupt absolutely. The strong within a group of strength would still rise, as to the intentions and their legitimacy relative to the masses…it would be solipsism to ‘hope’ that any mandate would hold the ‘greater good’ and mindfulness of you and your kin as paramount.

Capitalism is just as bad in the obvious separation of class and often deplorable conditions from birth. Out of the two political concepts, are the ‘masses’ in either one, any less likely to succumb to a predetermined societal role of sorts?

The traditional view of freedom in liberalism comes from the capitalist success stories. They become beacons because the system provides an out for a life many can agree is often shit. Communism attempts to inspire the individual to accept the existing ‘shit life’ for a ‘could be worse’ scenario.

There are so many gates at the starting line of Satanism, that really each pursuant path is reflective of one’s existing core convictions…Be it opportunistic, dominant, indulgent and hedonistic, artistic and philosophical, driven to succeed, or all of the above. One of the two societal structures certainly seems to allow Satanism to flourish more than the other in my opinion.

Unless you’re part of that 3%, it doesn’t matter the political ideology…you are under the thumb of those chosen by their predecessors to maintain power. Satanism involves more of a revolution of the mind and personal liberation from conceptual hindrances and dualism (among many other evolutionary epiphanies). It’s unlikely for a ‘Satanic Party’ to ever emerge and take their rightful place in current political arenas, in the West or in China as current examples of said ideologies and politics.

The only reason Capitalism is in the state it is, is due to a complacent herd that handed their life decisions to the more dominant within their ranks and submitted all decisive power to the voluntarily unseen.

So many stuck their head in the sand for so long, and are now slowly becoming aware how vulnerable their asses really are being straight up in the air.

The Orders of The Sect of the Horned God

The Order of Pan
The Order of Cernunnos
The Order of Prometheus
The Order of Dionysis
The Order of Shiva

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